Salt Housing | International Housing Competition in Catalonia — tonkin liu
architecture landscape sculpture

salt housing

salt housing


salt housing
at the edge of the city grows a forest,
in the forest is a clearing,
different communities settle in different places,
people choose the sky or the ground,
some open some closed,
all live in a forest of light



A single community lives under one long roof in a ring around a park. Within the mega identity exists a series of minor identities that are formed by the conflux of intertwining rings. The primary is recognisable from afar as undulating blocks, once engaged, it unfolds into a series of parts that perform at the scale of urban squares. Diversity is spurred at every scale by the repetition and variation of high and low, large and small, open and closed. Social and physical factors reach a critical mass that evolves into a system of growth. The forest is alive in its inception as well as its evolution.


location salt, spain
number of units 2,200
status finalist, international housing competition in catalonia
objectives system of growth for the forecasted requiring 400,000 new homes over the next 20 years in the barcelona region
published quaderns
exhibitions barcelona