How We Work — tonkin liu
architecture landscape sculpture

how we work

Direct yet conceptual. Provocative and engaging. Design & illustration for brands, publications, and people.

how we work

We apply a refined set of principles to each and every project to ensure our work is consistently exemplary. Each is based upon lessons learnt from nature, collectively, these principles form the pillars of our practice.


fresh flower, London Festival of Architecture 2007

1. Storytelling

Nature gives us enigmatic and enduring forms like the flower, tree, mountain and sea. We aspire for our projects to be equally admired and long-lasting. To achieve this, we develop a simple story to bring conceptual clarity to each of our projects. Through storytelling we uncover the potentials of a project, speculate upon what it can become, and discover how best to make it real. We call this unique place-making methodology ‘Asking, Looking, Playing, Making’. Time and time again successful stories translate into successful project


2. Technical innovation

Nature demonstrates awe-inspiring ingenuity through the evolution of form. We look to match this ingenuity by placing particular emphasis of the technical development of each project. To do so we return to first principles and leave no stone unturned in search of the optimal design solution. We embrace the power of the computer and the potential of new fabrication techniques to aid the imaginative invention of truly innovative works of architecture and art.


singing ringing tree, completed 2007


three waves on Dover Esplanade, completed 2011


3. Nature’s elements

We frame and harness elements nature generously gives us for free: sunlight, wind, rainfall. This marks the passage of time, brings materials to life, and integrates the workings of nature into human sensory experience and into the workings of architecture.

4. The most from the least

Nature’s flamboyance and diversity are matched by its economy. We aspire to the same holistic design intelligence: to minimal wastage of materials, energy, and space, to achieve cost-effective and sustainable, optimal solutions.


5. Capturing light

Nature reaffirms our primal attraction to light. Light signifies warmth, safety, and human gathering. Through proportion, form, and materials, we optimise, curate, amplify, and control light. From dappled light, to beams and beacons of light, we maximise the joy light brings to architecture.


china design now at the V&A Museum in London in 2008


promenade of light in Old Street, completed in 2006


6. Families of parts

Nature is founded upon families that share similarities but also adapt to widely varying conditions. We design adaptable families of parts to engender multiplicity that is responsive to complex and human-scaled patterns of activities, yet legible within an impactful singularity.


7. Integrating systems

Nature provides countless examples of holistic and seamless integrations. In looking to do the same, we design to thoroughly integrate a project’s complex parameters: social, structural, and environmental which in turn creates an unique solution each time.


island of light, ferry terminal in Kaohsiung, Taiwan