RIBAJ Pip Webinar on House Design — tonkin liu
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RIBAJ Pip Webinar on House Design

The PiP One-off House Design webinar sees RIBA Journal’s Jan-Carlos Kucharek host a RIBA author, leading architects and product experts who deliver informative presentations showcasing lighting and product expertise as well as award-winning, innovative and sustainable one-off house design.

For 2021, we host: Sally Storey, founding director of Lighting Design International and author of Inspired by Light: A design guide to transforming the home, who will discuss the transformative effects of light, providing practical insights and visual inspiration on successful lighting solutions and schemes. Architect and Passivhaus designer, Tara Gbolade, co-founder of the award-winning Gbolade Design Studio and RIBAJ Risking Star Winner, who will deliver a case study on the 2019 Sunday Times: British Home Awards shortlisted r-Home, designed to promote health and wellbeing and to be delivered sustainably and efficiently.

Mike Tonkin, co-founder of the award-winning Tonkin Liu, who will deliver a case study on the Stephen Lawrence Prize 2021 winning Water Tower – an ingenious eco-build, originally an industrial steel water tower, the building has been reinvented and restored to create a unique rural family home that accommodates its natural countryside setting.

Andrew Brown, founder of award-winning Brown & Brown, who will deliver a case study on the award-winning Lower Tullochgrue – a challenging refurbishment and substantial extension to a longstanding and historic house in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park.

We will cover the latest products and materials and explore how collaboration between architects, consultants and manufacturers are helping create better designed, inspiring, sustainable and future-proof one-off house architecture that acknowledges health and wellbeing, sustainability and healthy building design.

Sponsored by: Paint and Paper Library, Velux and Rockwool.

To read and watch more please click here.

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