A New Leaf — tonkin liu
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A New Leaf

Curated Houses Where Plants Meet Design

A New Leaf: Curated Houses Where Plants Meet Design is a celebration of the modern and stylish homes that reinvent the humble houseplant as a coveted design object.

The book spotlights 18 houses around the world (including United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Italy and Brazil), each illustrated with a selection of images of the entire home with particular emphasis on their plantlife. Each section includes an interview with the owners, walking the reader through the plant choices they made and the impact they had on their unique aesthetic.

Pip McCormac's informative text and Jen Haslam's expert curation make A New Leaf invaluable to interior design lovers and those seeking inspiration on how to incorporate plants in their lives.

The book beautifully showcases our Sun Rain Room and features our Directors, Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu.

Pre-order yours now here.

Hannah Houldsworth