Grosvenor Square Redesign - Initial Proposal Revealed — tonkin liu
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Grosvenor Square Redesign - Initial Proposal Revealed

We are pleased to share our initial design proposal for the Grosvenor Square redesign. The grade II-listed 2.5ha square, the second largest in London, will feature four interlocking gardens based on the original oval shape as set out when the square was laid out nearly 300 years ago. 

The proposed corner gardens will extend the open space that is currently much valued, as well as create new spaces where both people and nature can flourish. Our proposed planting scheme will double the number of trees in the square, increase biodiversity and extend the green space by over 3,000 square meters. 


Corner gardens – extending the garden with green gateways to the square with options for 'small dynamic structures' welcoming visitors.

Shaded gardens – a new zone around the edge of the square, will almost double the number of existing trees. Framed by new planting these will allow people to immerse themselves in nature and improve air quality for those living and working in the area.

Open garden – a large Georgian-inspired oval of flexible open space free from planting that allows for people to experience a sense of openness in the square.

Hidden water garden – sited underneath a rising mound in the open garden, celebrating the experience of water and allowing for rainwater capture.

Hidden Garden Entrance

Hidden Garden Entrance


The design has been informed by on-going public engagement. Over 4,000 pieces of valued feedback were received, from this five key criteria for urban modern spaces were identified; green in our cities; accessing the outdoors; spectacular horticulture and biodiversity; healthy places; and urban ecology.

The second open air exhibition in Grosvenor Square is now open, 22nd September - 19th October, and showcases our developing designs ideas. These will be complimented once again by a series of meet the design team events, online design discussions, themed walks and talks, play workshops and an audio tour.

 Find out more by visiting the Grosvenor Square website:

Hidden Garden Sketch

Hidden Garden Sketch

Tonkin Liu