Water Tower Shortlisted for Structural Timber Award — tonkin liu
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Water Tower Shortlisted for Structural Timber Award

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We are pleased to announce that our Water Tower has been shortlisted for the 2020 Structural Timber Awards, in the Custom and Self-Build category.

Below the tank, the existing steel frame structure is infilled with a prefabricated cross laminated timber structure to create a modern, fully functioning home. The cross laminated stair tower has a castle like cantilevered cross laminated stair that acts as a compression spiral as found in a sea shell. The compression spiral delivers wind loads to the foundations and minimises the thickness of the CLT walls.

Other categories in this year’s 2020 Structural Timber Awards are Social Housing, Private Housing, Education and Healthcare. The winners will be announced in March 2021 on the Structural Timber Awards website.

CLT staircase acts as a compression spiral.

CLT staircase acts as a compression spiral.

Tonkin Liu