Engineering in Modelling in Architecture — tonkin liu
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Engineering in Modelling in Architecture

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We are pleased to the share new book ‘Energy Modelling in Architecture: A Practice Guide’ published by RIBA, written by Sonja Oliveira, Bill Gething and Elena Marco.

The book ‘illustrates approaches to learning, sharing and integrating energy modelling across a range of projects and discusses the practical and business implications of embedding energy modelling in practice’.

In the book we discuss our resource-efficiency first approach, which takes hold in our Shell Lace Structure technique and its varied applications, from towers to pavilions.

Other contributing architects include: AHMM, Architype, bere:architects, Feilden Clegg Bradley, Henning Larsen, HOK, Kieran Timberlake, and Prewett Bizley.

The book is available to buy online here.

Tonkin Liu