AJ Influences: The Seagram Building — tonkin liu
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AJ Influences: The Seagram Building

In a new AJ series, Influences, Anna discusses the transformative effect of New York City – and one of Mies van der Rohe’s buildings in particular. She describes her move to New York City as a life-changing experience, with her discovery of the Seagram Building being a pivotal moment during this time.

The Seagram Building was designed by German architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in 1958 who fled to the US from Germany after the Nazis closed the famous Bauhaus school in 1933.

Anna recollects the moment: ‘standing at the wall of the Seagram on the street level, aware of the plinth but unable to see the space, I was overwhelmed by a physical, intimate relationship with depth and height’. Read the full interview here.


The Seagram Building, image credit Shutterstock.

Tonkin Liu