Urban Tree Festival 2020 - Goes Digital — tonkin liu
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Urban Tree Festival 2020 - Goes Digital

This year the Urban Tree Festival has gone digital, taking the festival from London to beyond - and we are delighted to be involved! The Urban Tree Festival, in its third year, celebrates the trees in streets, public gardens and parks, and the role trees play in our lives. There are over eight million trees in London!

The festival runs from the 16th to the 24th May and will play host to a number of online talks, readings, seminars as well as offline activities for all the family. Our Tai Trees is one of the many ‘Time Unlimited’ exercises that you can partake in anytime.

A few events that we are particularly looking forward to:

16th May
What Makes an Urban Tree Q&A with CPRE

18th May
Great Streetview Trees Live Tour by Paul Wood, The Street Tree

21st May
Nature & Poetry Workshop with Samantha Walton

The full festival programme is available here.
The Urban Tree Festival was founded by the Museum of Walking.

Tonkin Liu