Postcard Club No. 2: The Room Beyond The Screen
After a few weeks of working from home and many a Zoom meeting - we have found ourselves starting to wonder: ‘What lies beyond the screen?’
Video calls offer us a rare glimpse into the homes of our colleagues and clients alike.
Chun’s vision of Hannah’s room: paintings and dog galore
Remote working is also offering us news way to work and live, bringing with it a variety of changes that may be seen as pros or cons; no daily commute though no more daily kitchen catch-up with colleagues, flexible working patterns though perhaps a loss of routine, a fresh home-cooked lunch every day but no more lunchtime market trips! Either way, we are embracing the change and adapting to life beyond the screen.
For our second Postcard Club, this week we set out to draw our colleague’s ‘Room Beyond the Screen' - be it magical or fantastical we put our imaginations and creative skills to use good use to depict the unknown
The Collective Tonkin Liu Rooms
Kate imagines Lewis’ limnology lab for analysing pond finds.
Mike places Matt’s workspace within a green haven.
Alex depicts Kate’s hallway with many unknown doors