Singing Ringing Tree | Musical Sculpture in Burnley — tonkin liu
architecture landscape sculpture

singing ringing tree

singing ringing tree

Singing_Ringing_Tree_Burnley_Tonkin Liu

singing ringing tree
the wind swirls around the tree on the hill,
the sculpture sings its tune,
story passes from ear to mouth to ear


The Singing Ringing Tree is a musical sculpture standing in the wind on a hill overlooking Burnley. From far and wide, the tree’s profile is visible on the horizon, appearing and disappearing in the mist. Families and friends journey to Burnley to hear the tree sing.

The architectural competition, for “all-seeing” structures on a number of derelict, high-point sites, was organised by Mid-Pennine Arts, for the regeneration of the Lancashire Regional Park. These sites all command outstanding views of the countryside. The brief was for a landmark and a shelter, a place from which the public can enjoy the landscape. The aim is to draw city residents into the beautiful landscape that surrounds them.

British Landmark for the 21st century, The Independent 2015
Structural Steel Design Awards Certificate of Merit 2008
Shortlisted, Stephen Lawrence Award 2007
RIBA National Award 2007
RIBA northwest award 2007

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Site as found


The Crown Point site above Burnley, with a brick shed and two radio masts, has long been an eye sore visible from the surrounding towns. Our proposal replaced the shed and the masts. To maximise visibility, the base was raised by building on the lower part of the brick shed. The top half of the shed was demolished, the rubble formed the hard core onto which a concrete base was made. The mound was then covered with soil and turf. New fenced paths were created through the boggy landscape.


The tubes are arranged in such a way that the weight of each layer is transferred by steel rings to that are bolted together by horizontal bolt in shear to the layer below. The rings also act to tie the tubes in each plane to each other. As the layers are rotated slightly one to the next this twist provides horizontal in-plane bracing. The ends of the tubes simply cantilever past the lines of support provided by the rings-in effect the rings and tubes provide a load path for the weight of the tubes down to the foundation.


Mild steel comes in a variety of size with walls of variable thickness. This gave us the variability to develop the structure and sound. Being heavier, the fabrication process is more difficult but the weight helps with the mass required to resist overturning under wind load and live loads and due to the asymmetric form. Unlike stainless steel or aluminium, mild steel can be relatively cheaply welded. To prevent rusting the steel will need to be galvanised. This will give a shiny appearance when the construction is new, and will dull slightly over time while still reflecting light in an interesting way.


The tree is constructed of stacked pipes of varying lengths. Each layer differs from the next by 15 degrees to respond to the changing wind directions. As the wind passes different length pipes in different layers it will play different chords. Each time you sit under the tree you will hear a different song.


burnley borough council
location crown point, burnley, uk
status completed 2007
structural engineer jane wernick associates
fabricator mike smith studio
budget £150,000
