RA Summer Exhibition 2022 — tonkin liu
architecture landscape sculpture

what's going on

The latest news from the Tonkin Liu studio, projects and competition updates.

RA Summer Exhibition 2022

We submitted work for the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, and were delighted to have 3 pieces accepted. The annual exhibition is an unique showcase for architecture alongside other arts. An integral part of this tradition is the ritual of the Varnishing Day, which begins with a church service at the beautiful St James’s Church Piccadilly, a sermon given by the inspirational Rector Lucy Winkett, followed by a procession across Piccadilly to the Royal Academy. Everyone: young, old, veteran, amateur, is encouraged to enter their artwork for consideration for this cherished British summer tradition, an embodiment of longstanding quality, inclusivity, and diversity.

Get in touch and meet us for a walkaround between Tuesday 21 June - Sunday 21 August.

Tonkin Liu