Care: Ring Longlisted for the Davidson Prize 2022 — tonkin liu
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Care: Ring Longlisted for the Davidson Prize 2022

The Davidson Prize is a new annual prize that invites proposals focused on a particular social topic. Last year, the inaugural theme was “Home/Work – A New Future” and our submission was amongst the longlisted entries.

Each year the topic has been thought provoking and future thinking. Responding to the 2022 Davidson Prize theme, 'Co-living - a New Future?' we focused on the “Co” of “Co-living,” teaming up with Studio Mama, Saunders Seasoning, AB Fine Arts Foundry, Master Bellfounders, and Good Gym. The proposed kit of parts Care : Ring, towards a network of co-care activism, has just been longlisted, and we hope that it tintinnabulates!

Tonkin Liu