Tonkin Liu Shortlisted for Kew Garden's Treehouse Competition — tonkin liu
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Tonkin Liu Shortlisted for Kew Garden's Treehouse Competition

We are delighted to be one of three teams shortlisted for an exciting competition to design spectacular treehouses at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew.

Treehouses at Kew Design Competition is a joint design competition organised by Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and Museum of Architecture. They are seeking three exceptional designs to create three treehouses across RBG Kew’s UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of a larger ‘Treehouses at Kew’ Exhibition taking place in 2023.

Treehouses at Kew Design Competition is an exciting opportunity to use creative and architectural thinking to design in and around Kew’s living collection and produce inventive, accessible, and innovative designs. Each winning treehouse will champion Kew’s beautiful and important trees around three themes:

1. Celebrating Play
2. Nature’s Architecture and biomimicry
3. Showcasing pioneering sustainable materials and innovative design

The three winning designs will be announced at the end of March.

Further information can be found on the MoA’s website -

Tonkin Liu