Tower of Light Wins 'Little Gem' Award at the Building Beauty Awards — tonkin liu
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Tower of Light Wins 'Little Gem' Award at the Building Beauty Awards

Tower of Light and Wall of Energy won the inaugural Building Beauty Awards' 'Little Gem' category, granted by the Royal Fine Art Commission Trust.

Being given the award by architect Norman Foster was followed by a robust discussion about beauty. Oscar Wilde said beauty “ one of the great facts of the world, like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in the dark waters of that silver shell we call the moon. It cannot be questioned.” Edgar Allan Poe said beauty is an “intense and pure elevation of the soul”. Beauty is vitality, a healthy soul (Socrates), it is found in proportion, geometry, light, a sense of purpose and of eternity. Beauty is sensuality and intellect, it unifies our whole being.

Norman Foster presents the award

Tonkin Liu