Postcard Club No. 4: The Tree You See — tonkin liu
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Postcard Club No. 4: The Tree You See

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For this week’s Postcard Club our theme was ‘The Tree You See’ in honour of last week’s the Urban Tree Festival. We simply admired the tree we could see and took pen or paint to paper to capture its beauty. We also had a special guest join us, Krystina from Equals Consulting. Together we met in our ‘digital forest’ made up of oak trees, lime trees, silver birch, and fig trees - and other ones unknown.

If you missed the Urban Tree Festival this year, you can catch-up on their YouTube channel.

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Guillaume ‘The trees I see from my window is the tallest in the area. On the top branches, and the thin leaves shimmer and dance in the warm breeze and sunlight’.

Kate The tree I see from the attic window. It is taller than all the other trees - it looks like it belongs in an alpine forest.’

Hannah ‘The tree I see on my daily walk.’

MikeThe tree I see in my mind.

Natalia ‘The tree I see on my screen.’

Chun ‘The tree I see in my garden’.

Alex ‘The tree I see from my window.’

Anna ‘The tree I see has no social distance.’

Matt The tree I see from my balcony.’

Kristyna ‘The tree I see in my local park.’

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Tonkin Liu